by Tony Fields
With the school entrance decked out with balloons and signs, school officials welcomed students to Natchez Freshman Academy for its first Academic Olympiad. Students were not competing for gold, silver, or bronze medals but they showed up eager to get an extra dose of remediation before state subject area tests begin.
Students and teachers donned t-shirts that said: “Natchez Freshman Academy Straight Outta Academic Olympiad” to commemorate the event. School Board President Amos James, Pilgrim Baptist Church Pastor Melvin White, Safety Supervisor Ray Brown, and Business Office Manager Monica Anderson were among many officials who came to cheer on the students as they went from class to class on a Saturday.
With the school entrance decked out with balloons and signs, school officials welcomed students to Natchez Freshman Academy for its first Academic Olympiad. Students were not competing for gold, silver, or bronze medals but they showed up eager to get an extra dose of remediation before state subject area tests begin.
Students and teachers donned t-shirts that said: “Natchez Freshman Academy Straight Outta Academic Olympiad” to commemorate the event. School Board President Amos James, Pilgrim Baptist Church Pastor Melvin White, Safety Supervisor Ray Brown, and Business Office Manager Monica Anderson were among many officials who came to cheer on the students as they went from class to class on a Saturday.
There were many shared learning experiences for students in Algebra I, Biology I, and English II. Mrs. Linda Sherbia, Mrs. Virginia Robertson, Miss Annette Tyler, Dr. Delilah Mitchell, Miss Toni Washington, Mr. Robert Benson engaged students in many one on one, and hands-on group activities. The Retired Teachers Association also helped in sponsoring the activities. This learning opportunity was spearheaded by Mrs. Cassandra Jones, English Teacher and Administrative Intern at Natchez Freshman Academy.